Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Break

Hello! For those of you who are wondering where I went, I'm on spring break. We just got back Monday night from a class trip to Hiroshima/Miyajima/Himeji, and I'm now in my penpal's apartment in Saitama. Here's what my schedule's been like:

Saturday: Got to Hiroshima by bullet train, had a picnic konbini lunch by the station (fun!) and took a streetcar to our ryokan, which was right next to the A-Bomb Dome. Wandered around the memorial and the city for pretty much the whole day, then traditional-style set dinner, then Pictionary Telephone in our room and onsen.

Sunday: Took a streetcar to the ferry to Miyajima, checked in and wandered the island. The weather was beautiful for the whole trip, and we saw the sights including a whole bunch of monkeys :) Also tame deer, and the torii, and two wedding parties, and everything.

Monday: At 9:30, ferry and then streetcar for an hour (!) back to Hiroshima Station, where we got on a shinkansen to Himeji. I'm not sure if there's anything more to Himeji than Himeji-jo, the castle. It's reeeeally pretty, although it would have been even more amazing if the sakura were out. Although, as my host dad said, that would be "too lucky". Slept on the shinkansen back to Nagoya while the guys played cards.

Tuesday: Got stuff done around the house, like laundry and packing. Also got my hair cut, which I'm pretty happy about. Left in the evening for an 11 PM night bus to Tokyo.

Wednesday: Today! Started with the crazy night bus ride. That was kind of fun. Got in at 6 AM, took a train from Shinjuku Station. I'm not sure what we plan to do today, but tonight my penpal's friends are coming over :)

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